Look Up!

So often we find ourselves missing the important things in life-connections-because we are stuck in our own little bubble.  I love this uplifting song reminding me to Look Up to see outside my own little world.  

[audio mp3="http://www.jimmyandshelly.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/2012-11-04-look-up-65k-eng.mp3"][/audio]


Click here for the free download.

2015-02-11 Shelly (Glamour Portfolio)-0008 (1)Shelly Coray is an inspiring speaker, trainer, coach, and mom. She has helped hundreds of youth and adults gain greater control over their thoughts and actions and achieve higher levels of success through her workshops, speeches and training programs. Find out more about her HERE.

Eat the Green Frog

It has beeat the green frogen said that if you must eat one green frog a day, eat it first thing in the morning and get it out of the way.  And if you must eat two, eat the biggest one first.  Using this principle when taking care of tasks has helped me immensely.  It takes a lot of energy to worry about a task that I don't want to do.  That is energy I could be putting toward things that are really important to me.  When I find myself bogged down with some of these tasks, I take care of them as soon as possible, and take care of the biggest one first so I have more energy to put towards the other tasks.  While I don't like the taste of frogs, I love the feeling when I have already eaten it and know it's out of the way!  

2015-02-11 Shelly (Glamour Portfolio)-0008 (1)Shelly Coray is an inspiring speaker, trainer, coach, and mom. She has helped hundreds of youth and adults gain greater control over their thoughts and actions and achieve higher levels of success through her workshops, speeches and training programs. Find out more about her HERE.

What's in your wallet?

Jim Carey wanted to be successful as a comedian so in 1990 he wrote himself a check for $10 million dollars dated Thanksgiving 1995 and put it in his wallet.  The Memo said "for acting services rendered."  He carried that check until 1994 when he buried it with his father.  In 1995, after his huge hits of Ace Ventura, The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber, his awhat's in your wallet?sking price was $20 million per picture.  Do you have your goals where you can see them often?  



2015-02-11 Shelly (Glamour Portfolio)-0008 (1)Shelly Coray is an inspiring speaker, trainer, coach, and mom. She has helped hundreds of youth and adults gain greater control over their thoughts and actions and achieve higher levels of success through her workshops, speeches and training programs. Find out more about her HERE.

Nothing Is Really Lost

Is it this way at your house or just mine?0f20e3e98ccc515e44a9dfcfae3411e6


2015-02-11 Shelly (Glamour Portfolio)-0008 (1)Shelly Coray is an inspiring speaker, trainer, coach, and mom. She has helped hundreds of youth and adults gain greater control over their thoughts and actions and achieve higher levels of success through her workshops, speeches and training programs. Find out more about her HERE.

5 Minutes to Feel the Pain

When my athletes or clients have a disappointing race or experience, we often do a little exercise I call 5 minutes to feel the pain.  I set the timer and give them 5 minutes to cry or be angry, or deal with whatever they are feeling.  They need that time for their mind and body to work through the adrenaline and other emotions.  When the 5 minutes is up, we move on to evaluation and creation mode, where we look at the situation from an evaluation only standpoint.  What could I have done better?  What mistakes did I make that I can learn from?  Then we move right on to creation:  What will I do next time for the result to be different?  What do I need to work on this week to have a better experience next time? Allow yourself those few minutes to let yourself feel, then pull out and move on!  (And usually, it doesn't take 5 minutes before you are ready.)


2015-02-11 Shelly (Glamour Portfolio)-0008 (1)Shelly Coray is an inspiring speaker, trainer, coach, and mom. She has helped hundreds of youth and adults gain greater control over their thoughts and actions and achieve higher levels of success through her workshops, speeches and training programs. Find out more about her HERE.